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Studio Log 02 – Reconfiguring My Website Storage & Digital Ocean Droplet

Studio Log 02 – Reconfiguring My Website Storage & Digital Ocean Droplet

Two hours into this entire process and I think I’ve reached my limit with the speed of making edits in the blog post and waiting for it to save. So I’ve decided I might actually resize the droplet again but add another vCPU – however, this does mean I will probably wait around 15 minutes for this process to complete but that seems worth it for my sanity. Waiting 5 minutes to process each click is driving me mad.

Coloured Edge – Geometric Art

3D geometric art structure painted using 7 colours such that no two adjacent edges connected by a node are of the same colour.
Whoever you are, whatever you’re drawn to, it’s what makes you, you, and what makes you unique. Celebrate who you are.