If you know how much work is involved in creating an art exhibition, you know that this was a gutsy endeavour. Though at the time, I naively didn’t see it as an exhibition, but rather a larger allocated space at an annual art show that I was planning on entering.
I’m not quite sure how I missed this ‘minor’ (major) detail, but I did.
When it finally did click that I would be having a mini-exhibition at the Glenside Annual Art Show, my mind just switched to exhibition mode. If you know me, you know that the ‘mini’ aspect of this went straight out the window. To me, this was an exhibition, and I needed to work the same way I do as I do when I’m in ‘exhibition mode’.
So the result is a 16 piece art collection, which I still have to figure out, a clever way to fit it all in the allocated space.
Did I not plan the space before I painted, I hear you ask. Yes, I did.
Did I not plan it in a million variations? Yes, I did.
Did I not plan the exact dimensions of the canvasses and where they would be positioned? Yes, I did.
Did I then scrap all those plans because they were stifling my creative flow in painting? OH YES, I DID.
This is the first art piece in the Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way Collection. And you have no idea how much that is the most appropriate title for this collection…
On paper, the dates from when my last exhibition finished, to when the next one starts, may look like a couple of months, but in reality, it was only a few weeks before everything was finalised with the art show chairperson, about having an allocated space. And then life happened in between, and family life took the forefront. I’m not even going to tell you, how magical a timeframe this collection was developed in.
And I must say, I think I love every single piece in the collection, in different ways. Though I do realise, that the fact that it’s heavily saturated in colour, using phthalo blue, turquoise, and magenta, has a lot to do with it. And that makes me so happy.
So sit back and enjoy the stories in the upcoming blog posts, as I progressively introduce all the artwork in the collection.
Charlie x