Paint The Way You Want To – Embrace Your Freedom (Abstract Art)

Blog post written by Charlie Albright
If you feel like painting, then just paint! And paint the way you want to! Embrace the freedom that you have and deserve, and create something that resonates with your soul. Some people call this abstract art. Make your own abstract art.
Home » Creative Business Blog » Paint The Way You Want To – Embrace Your Freedom (Abstract Art)
After spending 30 minutes asking Google in various ways, whether different shaped paint palette knives actually served a purpose like, creating a “substantially different” effect on the canvas than each other, I came up empty-handed. I didn’t gain an answer to my question from Google that I was satisfied with, but I did gain a wealth of knowledge about how people use it to create paintings. Did you know that there’s even like a community of artists, who call themselves palette knife artists, that only paint, or should I say apply paint, with a paint palette knife, and not a paint brush.? Crazy.
Paint The Way You Want To - Embrace Your Freedom (Abstract Art) // Moments by Charlie Albright | Art (Acrylic Painting, Oil Painting) + Fashion (Sewing, Fabric Manipulation) + Lifestyle (Mindful Living) plus Photography | Made in Adelaide Australia
The next day, I decided that I would just use the palette knife the way I wanted to use it originally, the way I’ve used it in the past. I decided to give up on trying to validate whether the way I wanted to use it was the “correct way”. And I loved it. It’s my new favorite artwork of the week!! Yes, currently the rate of production is so high in this studio space, that I have to select favorites on a weekly basis. But that’s a good thing right?!

However, I am going to make that “current weekly favorite” statement, ever so lightly because, I just finished painting another art piece, using the same palette knife technique, of scraping the paint along the surface and letting the canvas weave determine the resulting effect. I’ve used a completely different color palette for that one, and I absolutely love it!

Paint The Way You Want To - Embrace Your Freedom (Abstract Art) // Moments by Charlie Albright | Art (Acrylic Painting, Oil Painting) + Fashion (Sewing, Fabric Manipulation) + Lifestyle (Mindful Living) plus Photography | Made in Adelaide Australia
Today’s painting is still drying, so I can’t really see it’s complete goodness yet, but I have a feeling it’s going to challenge the “current weekly favorite” spot.

Have a great day!

Moments by Charlie Albright | Art (Acrylic Painting, Oil Painting) + Fashion (Sewing, Fabric Manipulation) + Lifestyle (Mindful Living) plus Photography | Creative Lifestyle Blog | Made in Adelaide, Australia
P.S. And if you feel like painting, then just paint! A happier you is a happier world. And a happier world is a better world!
Further Reading

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Charlie Albright

The world: ignites in me, a sense of curiosity. My mind does not settle until it can comprehend, until it understands. For the physical world, creation has always been my enduring method of choice. For the spiritual world, all-encompassing practices like yoga and meditation, a belief in a higher energy, and writing have always been the soothing and balancing tools I have returned to, to re-ground myself. This is my journey of self-expression. Through written words and different forms of art. To my soul, my inner essence.

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  1. Cynthia

    Charlie those COLOURS are gorgeous. I really like the texture and the way the colours mesh. Beautiful piece, you’ve inspired me to get crafty.x

    • Charlie Albright

      Thank you! I absolutely loved creating it. Oh definitely get crafty – being creative is bliss!

  2. Nanou

    I LOVE these paintings, the colours and the PS note. 🙂

  3. Theresa

    Bravo for using that pallet knife that intuitive felt right for you. I recently bought a new brand of paint and started to get instructions from the seller. I politely told her that my intention was to test the potential of the paint to play nicely with me lol. I used pallet knives in ways that suit my purpose. I just wing it.

    • Charlie Albright

      Lol I like that! I think with creative things, you just have to go with your gut in the end, no matter how long you spend trying to justify it and put a good reason to it.

  4. Jacq

    I seriously just love your abstract paintings. Will look for your account on Instagram just so I could have a daily dose of it. ❤️❤️❤️

    • Charlie Albright

      Thanks Jacq – you’re so kind to say that. Lol sounds good! See you on Instagram!


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