Journal – Day 2 of 100 Days Of Abstract Painting

Blog post written by Charlie Albright
Journal entry for Day 2 of 100 Days of Abstract Painting following #the100dayproject. Continuing to analyse the images I've collected - following Flora Bowley's Intuitive Painting creativebug class.
Home » Creative Business Blog » Journal – Day 2 of 100 Days Of Abstract Painting
Today is definitely one of those days where my actions are on autopilot. I feel like I’m really not in the mood to care about any attempts of my mind to try to trick me. So I am just going to go through the motions. It’s also one of those days where I just feel flat. You know when like winter days first start appearing for the season, and the overcast clouds, just make you feel a little different? Kind of feels like those days, though it’s not really overcast. It’s definitely not bright and sunny either.
I’ve been observing throughout the day that I am constantly on guard about making sure that I have time to do all three of my 100 day projects. So on guard that today I got a 15 minute head start at lunchtime on my acrylic painting project. My sessions for all my 100 day projects are in the late afternoon, early evening…
But here I am, in my actual session (well, I guess the remaining 35 mins) ready to continue highlighting what I like about my pieces of inspiration.
I must say, this concept phase and creating small studies of design features I like, is taking longer than I would have desired. But that’s okay.


I am going to follow the process and let it lead me wherever. If I didn’t want to continue, it would be as though I am claiming that I know where I’m going and I don’t like my destination.

But given I don’t know where I’m going and what my destination holds, it would be silly to claim that I do. So we will carry on.


Charlie x

Charlie Albright

The world: ignites in me, a sense of curiosity. My mind does not settle until it can comprehend, until it understands. For the physical world, creation has always been my enduring method of choice. For the spiritual world, all-encompassing practices like yoga and meditation, a belief in a higher energy, and writing have always been the soothing and balancing tools I have returned to, to re-ground myself. This is my journey of self-expression. Through written words and different forms of art. To my soul, my inner essence.

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