August Makes – Art Edition – Part 2

Blog post written by Charlie Albright
My makes for August - the art edition! This is Part 2. Feeling googly-eye for some abstract art?! Then come right in!
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August Makes (Art Edition) – Part 2

Hello there!

This is Part 2, of my August Makes – Art Edition blog post series! If you can already feel the hyped up energy, it’s because I’ve equipped myself with a mug of sugar loaded coffee and enthusiasm and I’m ready to go! Let’s just say that there has been A LOT of painting this month with various styles and color palettes, and I’m hoping that somehow my enthusiasm will somehow shed light on how best to approach and present this.

By the way, just so it’s clear when I say ‘sugar loaded’, I mean 1 teaspoon of sugar. And that’s after days of drinking coffee with no sugar. Yes, I’m giving it a crack. And I also don’t recommend loading your coffees with sugar, it really can’t be too healthy for you. I’m not sure why, but I just felt I needed to clarify the sugar situation!

Now back to the August Makes painting. Before I begin, I do want to mention one thing, though, although there has been a lot of painting this month, and in essence, I have achieved somewhat what I wanted with my art intention, it has played out a little different to what I had imagined. I didn’t cater for the fact that I would have a few commission pieces, and some art display opportunities, and would ‘have’ to create some art.

So almost all of what I’ve painted this month has been for these external things coming up. This isn’t how I imagined executing my art intention. I thought, it would be painting by choice, on days determined by me, and at regular intervals. Well, I did paint by choice, it was either an opportunity I willingly accepted or sought after myself, so that’s a check. And I also made sure that I used the opportunity to try out some of the art pieces and techniques I’ve been putting aside on my to-try list. So that was great. I did give myself enough slack room so that if I was not feeling in the mood to paint or feeling particularly creative, I still had backup days, to create the art. And it was at regular intervals. So I guess I did do everything I envisaged as well, but I still kind of feel like I’ve landed or stumbled upon this ‘success’ for August Makes. Maybe it’s just because it was different to the visual I created in my head. I just want to make that clear, because that is the true representation of the outcome, to the challenge I’ve set for myself.

But then that makes me think was my goal, my visual? Or the value and positive habit I would attain from achieving my goal. This is why sometimes you just have to let go and flow with the path that life has set out for you. And just be grateful. That’s what I’m going to be, grateful for the fact that I have spent the month of August with lots of painting opportunities.

Boy, can I chat?

If you’ve missed Part 1 of the August Makes blog series, you can find it here: August Makes – Art Edition- Part 1. And if you want to read more about why I wanted to set myself this art intention for the month of August, you can read that here.

August Makes – Art Edition

Abstract Art Painting #4 and #5

Organic Shapes with Geo in Nude (3 abstract art pieces) – Coming Soon.
August Makes - Art Edition - Abstract Art Painting // Moments by Charlie | Art + Fashion + Lifestyle plus Photography | Made in Australia
August Makes - Art Edition - Abstract Art Painting // Moments by Charlie | Art + Fashion + Lifestyle plus Photography | Made in Australia
These two paintings were my attempt to combine organic shapes, with geometric areas. I have three other art pieces, that are on the same vein as these two, but I can’t show those before they are available on another platform first. So these are based on those, but I wanted to use a dramatically different color palette for these ones, so they would look dramatically different from the original batch, which used a nude color palette, with a pop of rose gold.
August Makes - Art Edition - Abstract Art Painting // Moments by Charlie | Art + Fashion + Lifestyle plus Photography | Made in Australia
August Makes - Art Edition - Abstract Art Painting // Moments by Charlie | Art + Fashion + Lifestyle plus Photography | Made in Australia
August Makes – Art Edition

Abstract Art Painting #17 and #18

Acrylic Pour (2 abstract art pieces) – Coming Soon.
August Makes - Art Edition - Abstract Art Painting // Moments by Charlie | Art + Fashion + Lifestyle plus Photography | Made in Australia
Organic Webbing

This is another “organic” based style painting. These abstract and organic shapes were achieved by combining high flow medium with acrylic paint and pouring the paint mixture over the canvas and creating a webbing.

August Makes - Art Edition - Abstract Art Painting // Moments by Charlie | Art + Fashion + Lifestyle plus Photography | Made in Australia
I will progressively be adding the ‘Coming Soon’ items above in the next few days to the blog, so stay tuned.
Have a lovely day!
Moments by Charlie Albright | Art (Acrylic Painting, Oil Painting) + Fashion (Sewing, Fabric Manipulation) + Lifestyle (Mindful Living) plus Photography | Creative Lifestyle Blog | Made in Adelaide, Australia
Further Reading

If you enjoyed this post, here are some other blog posts you may like.

Charlie Albright

The world: ignites in me, a sense of curiosity. My mind does not settle until it can comprehend, until it understands. For the physical world, creation has always been my enduring method of choice. For the spiritual world, all-encompassing practices like yoga and meditation, a belief in a higher energy, and writing have always been the soothing and balancing tools I have returned to, to re-ground myself. This is my journey of self-expression. Through written words and different forms of art. To my soul, my inner essence.

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