There is this misconception among us that, happiness is a life-long pursuit and that all we have to do is find it. That somehow when we do find it, we can keep it. Bottle it up and do what we want with it. That once you’ve achieved happiness in life, that it’s somehow squared away on your bucket list. Never to think about again.
We treat happiness as though it is something we have to find, to collect, to discover. That it’s some object for the taking. But it’s not. Happiness is a state of mind. And like any state, it has embedded concept of time, where it’s existence is defined by a finite period of time.
Please don’t consider the last statement to be a negative one. That somehow looking for happiness is a lost cause. That is the last message I want to portray.
Instead, I want to show you an alternative point of view on the pursuit for happiness. One that I believe will ultimately make you happier, calmer, and less anxious about the whole thing. Rather than feeling like you’re missing a crucial and fundamental element in your life. Nobody wants that feeling.
[Tweet “I want to show you an alternative point of view on the pursuit for #happiness”]Coming back to the ‘finite period of time’…
So what if we distilled this time-frame to something manageable? A week? A day? Half a day? Could you find happiness then?
[Tweet “Transform the pursuit for happiness, into the pursuit for regular, states of #happiness”]Rather than chasing a life-long pursuit for happiness, redefine your time-frame to something more manageable. More realistic. A week. A day. Half a day. A few hours. Then working with this as your baseline, now pursue happiness. Strive for happiness by aiming for balance and harmony within yourself and the environment around you.
Aim to achieve it regularly. Frequently. Continuously. Allow your life-long pursuit for happiness to transform into a pursuit of achieving regular states of happiness.
Charlie x