You can easily create clear and vivid photos with only 3 clicks using Adobe Lightroom default presets. This is my go-to sequence to quickly edit the photos I use to post to social media. If I want to portray a particular mood or feeling, then I apply my VSCO presets after these to portray the style I’m after.
Nature Photography Blog
Nature Photography Blog Posts
Understand The Potential Of Your Photos As A Beginner, Self-taught Photographer
This blog post is about understanding the potential of your digital photography skills and knowing what you can achieve in your editing process with a photo you’ve taken with your digital camera. If you’re a beginner and have embarked on a journey of teaching yourself photography, for whatever reason, whether it’s a hobby or a requirement for your lifestyle, then keep reading because you are about to hear one of my biggest tips for improving your photography.
Nature Flowers
Gallery of flowers in nature. Ones that are not cliche, or too loud. Ones that blend seamlessly with nature, and serve to create peace, beauty, and harmony.
Adelaide Veale Gardens (South Australia) – Part 2
Part 2 of Series – Gallery of photos taken at Adelaide Veale Gardens in South Australia. All photographs are by Charlie Albright from blog Moments by Charlie, using the Canon EOS 750D (Rebel T6i).
Adelaide Veale Gardens (South Australia)
Gallery of photos taken at Adelaide Veale Gardens in South Australia. All photographs are by Charlie Albright from blog Moments by Charlie, using the Canon EOS 750D (Rebel T6i).
Adelaide Himeji Garden (Japanese Garden)
Adelaide Himeji Garden is a place you should make time to visit. The Japanese garden is fairly small but houses an array of distinct and different elements in the garden that you may not have across in the Western culture.
Nature Photography on Instagram
Some nature photography from locations around the city of Adelaide in Australia. Some were taken at the state’s botanical gardens and some at parks around the city.
Autumn Leaves on Instagram (Urban Edition)
Recently we shared our autumn leaves photo series, this is an extension of that, where we share our autumn photos in the urban context.
Autumn Leaves on Instagram
Just a ‘little’ obsession with autumn leaves.